With many people stuck at home and as the flour shelves are empty, there must be loads of people out there with bags of it, but it got me thinking – how many people stockpiling all this flour will make the most of it.

So here is my simple recipe for a stunning white loaf.

You’ll need:-

500g of Strong White Flour

7g of Dried Yeast

7g of salt

5g of sugar

320ml of warm water

First thing you’ll want to do is activate the yeast (this isn’t required for easy bake/instant yeast, however I prefer standard dried yeast)

Take the warm water, which should be at a temperature that is comfortable to the touch, definitely not cold!

Add the 5g of sugar to the water, this isn’t necessary , however I find it helps to really wake the yeast.

Then take the 7g of dried yeast and add it to the tepid water, stir and leave for about 5 mins until you can see it all bubbling up as shown.

Take the 500g of flour and add the 7g of salt, followed by the water and yeast mixture.

Stir in the bowl to make a shaggy dough.

Turns out and kneed for around 8 mins, if its sticky, do not add more flour, just keep kneeding until the dough is smooth and a little springy.

Place in a bowl and cover.

Leave for around 45min-1hour or until the dough has doubled in size.

Turn out and spread/stretch out the dough.

Fold in the corners over onto themselves.

Turn the whole piece over so the joins are now on the bottom.

Shape – at this point you can add to a proving bowl, bread tin or just place on a baking tray.

Cover and allow to rest for a second time, for about 30-45mins or until its doubled once more.

While its proving, turn on the oven so it is preheating to approx 230c

When it has doubled, score the top of the loaf with a sharp knife, this allows the steam to escape and get an even rise.

Spray with a little water, which will create some steam to create a better crust.

Place in the oven for 10 mins, this is when the bread will rise further. After 10 mins, reduce to around 200c and bake for a further 20 mins.

Check the bread is ready by tapping it on the bottom, if ready it will sound hollow.

Allow to cool, then cut and enjoy with butter – or why not use a slice to make some chilli cheese toast

One response to “Basic Bread Making”

  1. That’s a fine lookingloaf. I had to buy bread from a bakery as there was no flour.


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