Peter and Elaine Kinsella, owners of Lunya, have sadly confirmed that their site in Manchester will not be reopening after corona virus restrictions are lifted.

In a newsletter this morning they wrote

The impact of temporary closure of all three of our sites due to the Coronavirus has been devastating. Despite the incredible effort we are making with our online business, your unbelievable support, introducing meals to go and our soon to launch take-away, home delivery and collections of hot tapas from Hanover St, it is not enough. To ensure that Lunya has a future, we have to close our Manchester site permanently to protect our sites in Hanover Street, Liverpool and the Albert Dock. Manchester is our most expensive site to operate and has the potential if we did re-open to rack up immediate losses which would bring the whole company down and we cannot let this happen.

The site has been hugely popular, with a good following and while the site will be closing, they will still continue to offer delivery and click and collect into Manchester for their deli products, with their Liverpool sites not being effected.

We, like so many others in Manchester, will be very sorry to see them go, having enjoyed many days and evening in the restaurant.

Lunya Manchester website can be found here

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